1.最高籌款獎項Top Fundraising Awards
最高籌款獎項於2021年12月31日23:59截止,得獎者(必須已完成自訂挑戰距離)將於2022年1月14日(星期五) 17:00前獲通知,並同時獲邀請出席2022年1月23日(星期日)於心光學校(香港薄扶林道131號)舉行的頒獎典禮(將另行通知典禮時間)。
Deadline to receive the following awards is 23:59 on 31 December 2021. Winners (must have completed the targeted challenge) will be notified no later than 17:00 on 14 January 2022 (Friday). A simple ceremony of award presentation to winners will be held at Ebenezer School (131 Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong) on 23 January 2022 (Sunday) (presentation time will be announced later).
An e-certificate will be awarded to participants who have successfully completed the Walk.