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成人挑戰 Adult Challenge

Participant Registration

例如:完成跑步總距離達20公里 E.g. Complete 20km running distance

例如: 港幣3,000元 Eg. HK$3,000


籌款網頁圖片 Fundraiser Photo
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請上載圖片給個人籌款網頁 Please upload photo for fundraiser page

收集個人資料聲明 Personal Information Collection Statement

聲明 Waiver

..「活動」乃指由2021年9月至12月期間的「為銘琪感動 | 銘琪癌症關顧中心慈善挑戰」;「參加者」為報名表格上報名並將會參與是次活動的人士;「主辦機構」為銘琪癌症關顧中心。 1. 是次活動不設年齡限制。任何18歲以下的參加者必須在其家長或監護人的同意下方可參與活動。 2. 參加者應確保自己的健康狀況適合完成是次活動。如參與者對健康狀況有任何疑問,建議參與者提前尋求醫療意見。參加者必須對參與是次活動的風險及自身安全負責。 3. 一旦提交報名表格,參加者即聲明個人健康狀況適合參與及完成是次活動,並同意主辦機構毋須為活動期間所發生的意外事故、不幸、受傷、死亡、或因活動而引起的任何經濟或財產或帶後果性的損失而作出賠償及負上任何法律責任。如有需要,參加者請自行購買個人意外或傷亡保險及財產保險。 4. 交易一旦完成,任何報名費、捐贈或所籌集的捐款在任何情況下均不能取消、退回或轉讓。 5. 如活動因任何不可預計的因素影響而被逼取消,所有捐贈將用於支援主辦機構的工作而不予退還。 6. 主辦機構保留使用活動參加者的所有相片、聲音和錄影以作參考及宣傳的權利。如不欲主辦機構使用其肖像,請直接聯絡主辦機構。 7. 主辦機構保留更改任何活動獎勵及獎項的最終決定權。所有獎勵及獎項均不可異議、轉讓、退款及兌換現金。 8. 主辦機構保留更改條款及免責聲明和其他活動內容的權利。如有變動,主辦機構將另行通知參加者。 9. 如有任何爭議,主辦機構保留最終決定權。 10. 如條款及免責聲明與主辦機構在任何時間所發出的其他文件有出入,一切均以本頁列出的條款及細則英文版本為準。 The “Campaign” refers to the period from September to December 2021 which encompasses the “Move for Maggie's | Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centre Charity Challenge”; “Participant” means the persons named on the Registration Form who will be participating in the Campaign; “Organiser” means Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centre. 1. The Campaign has no age limit. Any Participant under the age of 18 is advised to obtain prior consent from his/her parents or guardians to participate in the Campaign. 2. Participants should ensure their health condition is suitable to join and complete the Campaign. Participants are suggested to seek medical advice in advance. Participants must be responsible for their own safety and the risks of participating in this event. 3. By submitting the entry application, the Participants have certified they are physically fit for the Campaign and agreed that the Organiser will not be held responsible for any legal liability of injury or death or any damage to or loss or destruction of property or any other economic or consequential loss arising from or connected with the Campaign, whether due to accident, mishap or otherwise. Participants can purchase accident/casualty insurance and property insurance on their own as necessary. 4. Once the transaction is accepted, any registration fees, donations, or funds raised for Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centre are non-cancellable, non-refundable and non-transferable in such cases or any circumstances.  5. If the Campaign is forced to cancel in the event of force majeure or other unforeseeable circumstances, all funds raised will continue to support the Organiser’s works and no refunds will be made. 6. The Organiser reserves the right to use all images, sounds, and videos of Participants of the Campaign for future uses and references. If the Participant does not wish to grant the right to the Organiser, please contact the Organiser directly. 7.The Organiser reserves the final right to change any prizes of the Campaign. Prizes are non-negotiable, non-transferable, non-refundable, and non-exchangeable for cash credit or kind. 8. The Organiser reserves the right to alter these Terms and Disclaimer and other details of the Campaign at any time and may notify Participants of such alteration. 9. In case of any dispute, the Organiser reserves the right to make the final decision. 10. In case of discrepancies between the Terms and Disclaimer and other documents issued by the Organiser at any time, the English version of the Terms and Disclaimer listed here shall prevail.

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