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活動紀念品及獎項 Souvenirs and Awards

1. 每個參與組別可取得甚麼活動紀念品?

挑戰路線 / 參與組別


團隊 (每隊2 - 4)

工商隊 (每隊8 - 10)

Level 1 Moonwalker -





Level 2 Advanced Moonwalker - 42公里挑戰




Level 3 Super Moonwalker - 100公里挑戰





What kind of souvenirs are available in each category (individual, team and corporation)?

Virtual Routes /

Challenge Categories



(2 - 4 ppl per Team)


(8 - 10 ppl per Team)

Level 1 Moonwalker - 21KM Challenge

Finisher Medal, E-cert, Bonus Mission Pins*


Level 2 Advanced Moonwalker - 42KM Challenge

Finisher Medal, Cooling Towel, E-cert, Bonus Mission Pins*


Level 3 Super Moonwalker - 100KM Challenge

Finisher Medal, Sports T-shirt, E-cert, Bonus Mission Pins*

Finisher Medal, Cooling Towel, Sports T-shirt, E-cert, Bonus Mission Pins*

* For those who finished the 3 Bonus Missions

2. 甚麼是支線任務

參加者除了在活動期間完成主線的距離挑戰外更可完成3個支線任務,分別考驗參加者的毅力耐力腳骨力,在121 - 31日期間完成支線任務即可獲得限量版任務襟章


支線任務1: 毅力考驗 - 連續3日以跑步/ 步行/ 遠足 每日一次過完成3公里距離任務成功可獲得藥丸襟章

支線任務2: 耐力考驗 - 一次以跑步步行遠足完成10公里距離任務成功可獲得驗眼工具襟章

支線任務3: 腳骨力考驗 - 運動時一次過登上300米高度的目的地*任務成功可獲得訓練襟章

任務襟章(如適用)將在 2022  2 月活動結束後與紀念獎牌一起發送給參者。


What are Bonus Missions?

In addition to completing the main line distance challenge during 1-31 December 2021, participants can also complete 3 Bonus Missions to test their own perseverance, endurance and foot strength, and receive a Limited Edition Pin upon completing each mission.

Bonus missions:

Bonus Mission 1: Perseverance Test - Run / walk / hike to complete a distance of 3 kilometers at one time for 3 consecutive days for a Pills Pin

Bonus Mission 2: Endurance Test - Run / walk / hike to complete a distance of 10 kilometers at one time for an Eye Test Tool Pin

Bonus Mission 3: Foot Strength Test - Climb to a destination of 300 meters* in height at one time during exercise for a Training Pin

The Bonus Mission Pins (if applicable) will be dispatched to participants together with the Finisher Medal upon completion of the event in February 2022.

*The records uploaded must be able to show a maximum elevation of no less than 300m or the total elevation climbed is no less than 300m.

3. 如我沒有完成任何支線任務,我可以獲得任務襟章嗎?


Can I have the bonus mission pins if I did not finish any bonus mission?  

The Bonus Mission Pins will only be awarded to participants who successfully completed the bonus missions. e.g. If you have only completed Mission 1 Perseverance Test, you will be awarded the Pills Pin only.

4· 我可以額外選購活動紀念品嗎?


Can I order extra no. of event souvenirs?

Yes, you can purchase Cooling Towel and Sports T-shirt at “SHOP NOW”.



How and when will I collect the additional purchased souvenirs?

After successful payment, the additional purchased souvenirs will be delivered to the Hong Kong SF Locker at your choice within 7 working days (Starting from 1 December). The delivery fee will be borne by the participant. 

6. 如我參與個人組別,我可以怎樣及何時領取我的活動紀念品(如適用) / 完賽紀念?


你可以在2021121日至31日期間攜同活動確認電郵親臨奧比斯辦公室(地址:九龍觀塘鴻圖道21號訊科中心3A,辦公時間:星期一至五上午9:30至下午7:00,星期六、日及公眾假期除外)領取活動紀念品 (完賽紀念包除外)費用全免。你亦可以選擇透過香港本地順豐智能櫃取貨的形式收取活動紀念品 (紀念獎牌除外運費由參加者支付。主辦單位將會在你成功報名後7個工作天內將你所屬參加組別的活動紀念品遞至你指定的順豐智能櫃。請在報名時確保所填的順豐智能櫃網點代碼正確。包裹送出後,主辦單位將不會補發活動紀念品。

完賽紀念 (紀念獎牌及任務襟章,如適用):




How and when will I collect the souvenir pack (if applicable) / finisher pack if I am an Individual Participant?

Souvenir Pack:

You can pick up the souvenir pack in person from Orbis Hong Kong’s Office (Address: Unit A, 3/F, Infotech Centre, 21 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong Office Hour: 9:30am – 7pm, Monday - Friday, Close on Sat, Sun and public holidays) for free after successful registration by showing the confirmation email during 1-31 December 2021. The souvenir pack (excluding the finisher pack) could also be delivered to Hong Kong SF Locker at your choice within 7 working days after successful registration. The delivery fee will be borne by you. Please ensure you have filled in the correct Hong Kong SF Locker Number during registration. The Organizer regrets that reissuance will not be made once the package has been delivered.

Finisher Pack (Finisher Medal & Bonus Mission Pins, if applicable):

You can pick up the Finisher Pack in person from Orbis Hong Kong’s Office (Address: Unit A, 3/F, Infotech Centre, 21 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong Office) for free after successful completion by showing the confirmation email in February 2022 (exact date and time to be confirmed). The Finisher Pack could also be delivered to Hong Kong SF Locker at your choice in February 2022. The delivery fee will be borne by you. Please ensure you have filled in the correct Hong Kong SF Locker Number during registration. The Organizer regrets that reissuance will not be made once the package has been delivered.


You will also be notified to login to your personal dashboard to download your e-certificate before March 2022.

5. 如我參與團體 / 工商隊組別,我可以怎樣及何時領取我的活動紀念品 /完賽紀念?



團隊隊長可以2021121日至31日期間攜同活動確認電郵親臨奧比斯辦公室(地址:九龍觀塘鴻圖道21號訊科中心3A,辦公時間:星期一至五上午9:30至下午7:00,星期六、日及公眾假期除外)領取全隊的活動紀念品 (完賽紀念包除外),費用全免。團隊隊長亦可以選擇透過香港本地順豐智能櫃取貨的形式收取全隊的活動紀念品 (完賽紀念包除外),運費由參加者支付。主辦單位將會在全部隊員成功報名後 7個工作天內將全隊的活動紀念品統一遞至團隊隊長指定的順豐智能櫃。請在報名時確保所填的順豐智能櫃網點代碼正確。包裹送出後,主辦單位將不會補發活動紀念品。請團體隊長與隊員聯絡及分發活動紀念品。

完賽紀念包 (紀念獎牌及任務襟章,適用):






主辦單位會在活動期間將全隊的活動紀念品 (完賽紀念包除外以順豐形式統一寄至工商隊管理員,運費由奧比斯負擔。請在報名時確保所填的郵寄地址正確。包裹寄出後,主辦單位將不會補發活動紀念品。請工商隊管理與隊員聯絡及分發活動紀念品。

完賽紀念 (紀念獎牌及任務襟章,適用):




How and when will I collect the souvenir packs / finisher packs if I am a Team Leader or Team Member? (For Teams and Corporations)

Team Category

Souvenir pack:

Team Leader can pick up the Souvenir Packs for ALL Team Members in person from Orbis Hong Kong’s Office (Address: Unit A, 3/F, Infotech Centre, 21 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong Office Hour: 9:30am – 7pm, Monday - Friday, Close on Sat, Sun and public holidays) for free after successful registration by showing the confirmation email during 1-31 December 2021. The souvenir packs (excluding the finisher packs) could also be delivered collectively to Hong Kong SF Locker at your choice within 7 working days after successful registration. The delivery fee will be borne by you. Please ensure you have filled in the correct Hong Kong SF Locker Number during registration. The Organizer regrets that reissuance will not be made once the package has been delivered. Team Leader can contact their team members to distribute the Souvenir Packs.

Finisher pack (Finisher Medal & Bonus Mission Pins, if applicable):

Team Leader can pick up the Finisher Packs for ALL Team Members in person from Orbis Hong Kong’s Office (Address: Unit A, 3/F, Infotech Centre, 21 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong) for free after successful completion by showing the confirmation email in February 2022 (exact date & time to be confirmed). The Finished Packs could also be delivered collectively to Hong Kong SF Locker at your choice in February 2022. The delivery fee will be borne by you. Please ensure you have filled in the correct Hong Kong SF Locker Number during registration. The Organizer regrets that reissuance will not be made once the package has been delivered. Team Leader can contact their team members to distribute the Finisher Packs.


You will also be notified to login to your personal dashboard to download your e-certificate before March 2022.

Corporate Team

Souvenir pack:

Team admin will receive the souvenir packs (excluding the finisher packs) of ALL Team Members via delivery by SF Express during the event after successful registration. The delivery fee will be borne by Orbis. Please ensure you have filled in the correct delivery address in registration. The Organizer regrets that reissuance will not be made once the package has been delivered. Team admin can contact their team members to distribute the souvenirs.

Finisher pack (Finisher Medal & Bonus Mission Pins, if applicable:

Team admin will receive the Finisher Packs of ALL Team Members via delivery by SF Express upon successful completion in February 2022. The delivery fee will be borne by Orbis. Please ensure you have filled in the correct delivery address in registration. The Organizer regrets that reissuance will not be made once the package has been delivered. Team admin can contact their team members to distribute the Finisher Packs.


You will also be notified to login to your personal dashboard to download your e-certificate before March 2022.

6. 甚麼是亞洲萬里通大獎、長氣鬼、快腳鬼、最高籌款大獎及最人強馬壯大獎?


橫跨任何組別(個人、團隊及工商隊組別及挑戰路線(21公里、42公里及100公里挑戰),在2021121日至31日活動期間跑步 / 步行 / 遠足形式,個人完成最長距離的首3參加者將獲得以下「亞洲萬里通」里數:










參加者 / 參加隊伍在2021121日至31日活動期間完成最長距離(團隊/工商隊組別以整隊總完成距離計算),即可根據其參與組別嬴取以下相應的獎勵:














每位隊員可獲$100崇光購物禮券及2021奧比斯盲俠行活動紀念品 (每隊2-4位隊員)






2021121日至31日活動期間最快完成3個挑戰距離的首名參加者 / 參加隊伍,可根據其參與組別嬴取以下的「亞洲萬里通」里數獎勵:





Level 1 Moonwalker - 21公里挑戰


Level 2 Advance Moonwalker - 42公里挑戰


Level 3 Super Moonwalker - 100公里挑戰



Level 2 Advance Moonwalker - 42公里挑戰



Level 3 Super Moonwalker - 100公里挑戰




Level 3 Super Moonwalker - 100公里挑戰





得獎人數 / 得獎隊伍









每位隊員可獲5,000 「亞洲萬里通」里數及「盲俠行」社交媒體宣傳




每位隊員可獲5,000 「亞洲萬里通」里數及「盲俠行」社交媒體宣傳及獎杯



每位隊員可獲3,000 「亞洲萬里通」里數*、而每間公司可「盲俠行」社交媒體宣傳及獎杯

^所有獎項均以每一參加者帳戶為單位。如參加者擁有多於一個參加者帳戶 (即代表參加者參加多於一項挑戰路線,不同帳戶的運動里數紀錄及/或籌款紀錄不會被累積計算。

What are Longest Distance Award, Fastest Completion Award, Grand Prize Asia Miles Award, Top Fundraising Awards and Most Participants Award?

Grand Prize - Asia Miles Award^

Regardless of the Category (Individual, Team and Corporate Team Categories) and Virtual Distance (21KM Challenge, 42KM Challenge and 100KM Challenge) enrolled, top 3 participants who achieved the longest distance independently within 1 – 31 December 2021 will be awarded with 80,000 Asia Miles^.

Grand Prize - Asia Miles Award

Mileage Awarded^


80,000 Miles

2nd runner-up

40,000 Miles

3rd runner-up

20,000 Miles

Longest Distance Award

Participants who completed the longest distance within the event period 1 – 31 December 2021 will be rewarded with corresponding Asia Miles, depending on the Category of participants:


Longest Distance Award



Rank 1-10

Winners will be awarded 8,000 Asia Miles

Rank 11-20

Winner will be awarded $100 Sogo Shopping Coupon and souvenirs of 2021 Orbis Virtual Moonwalkers


Rank 1-10

Every team member will be awarded 8,000 Asia Miles (2-4 team members/ team)

Rank 11-20

Every team member will be awarded $100 Sogo Shopping Coupon and souvenirs of 2021 Orbis Virtual Moonwalkers  (2-4 team members/ team)

Corporate Team

Rank 1-3

Every team member will be awarded 8,000 Asia Miles (8-10 team members/ team)

Fastest Completion Award

Participants who first completed the Challenge Level within the event period 1-31 December 2021 will be rewarded with corresponding Asia Miles depending on the Category and Challenge Level of participants:


Challenge Level

Fastest Completion Award^


Level 1 Moonwalker - 21KM

3,000 Miles

Level 2 Advance Moonwalker - 42KM

5,000 Miles

Level 3 Super Moonwalker - 100KM

7,000 Miles


Level 2 Advance Moonwalker - 42KM

Every team member will be awarded 3,000 Asia Miles (2-4 team members/ team)

Level 3 Super Moonwalker - 100KM

Every team member will be awarded 5,000 Asia Miles (2-4 team members/ team)

Corporate Team

Level 3 Super Moonwalker - 100KM

Every team member will be awarded 7,000 Asia Miles (8-10 team members/ team)

Other Awards


No. of Winners

Prizes included^

Top Fundraising Award (Individual)

Top 3 Individuals who raised the largest donation amount within the campaign period 15 November 00:00 - 31 December 23:59

5,000 Asia Miles and exposure on Moonwalkers social media platforms

Top Fundraising Award (Team)

The Team who raised the largest donation amount within the campaign period 15 November 00:00 - 31 December 23:59

Every member will be awarded 5,000 Asia Miles and exposure on Moonwalkers social media platforms

Top Fundraising Award (Corporate Team)

The Corporate Team who raised the largest donation amount within the campaign period 15 November 00:00 - 31 December 23:59

Every member will be awarded 5,000 Asia Miles and the Corporate will be awarded exposure on Moonwalkers social media platforms and trophy

Most Participants Award

Top 3 Corporates with the most participants within the event period

Every member will be awarded 3,000 Asia Miles and the Corporate will be awarded exposure on Moonwalkers social media platforms and trophy

^All awards are based on each Participant’s Login Account. If the participant has more than one Login Accounts (i.e. the participant joins more than one races), the running mileage accrued and donation raised on different accounts will NOT be accumulated for the purpose of entering into the awards.

7. 我如何挑戰「快腳鬼」?

要挑戰「快腳鬼」,你需於202112100:003123:59內以最快的時間完成指定的挑戰路線上傳運動里數記錄到你的參加者帳户。主辦單位將會在參加者上傳紀錄後24小時內驗證記錄真偽,並將結果上載到活動龍虎榜。主辦單位將不會接受及驗證在上述時間以外進行上傳的運動里數紀錄。如在同一參與組別中多於一位參加者 / 團隊 / 工商隊同時間完成指定的挑戰路線,主辦單位將根據其上傳記錄時間,以更快上傳紀錄者勝出。

How could I enter into the competition for Fastest Completion Award?

For entering into the Fastest Completion Award, you must complete the Virtual Route and upload the corresponding mileage record to your Participant Dashboard as soon as possible during 00:00am on 1 December to 23:59pm on 31 December 2021. Records will be verified by the Organizer within 24 hours after upload and the result will be shown on the Event Leaderboard. Records generated and uploaded outside the said period will NOT be accepted and verified by the Organizer.

If two participants/ Teams / Corporate Team in the same Category complete the route at the same time, the party who first completed uploading the mileage record will win after verification by the Organizer.

8. 何時公佈比賽結果?

主辦單位將會在2022131日前以電郵及電話形式通知各得獎者 /隊伍。所有得獎者 (包括得獎團隊 / 工商隊隊伍中的所有隊員)需在2022225日或之前攜同存有運動里數紀錄的手提電話或智能裝備,親臨奧比斯香港辦公室核實獲獎資格。

When will the result be announced?

Winners will be notified by the Organizer by email and phone on or before 31 January 2022. All winners (including all team members of winning teams/corporates) are required to present in person the mileage record on mobile devices for Organizer’s checking before confirming the eligibility for the Asia Miles award on or before 25 February 2022.

9. 甚麼時候可拿到贏取的「亞洲萬里通」里數何時是「亞洲萬里通」里數到期日?


When will the Asia Miles won be credited? When will the Asia Miles expire?

After verifying the eligibility of winners, the Organizer will provide winners’ names, Asia Miles Membership number and the amount of miles won to Asia Miles for record. The Asia Miles won will be credited to the winner’s membership account on or before 31 March 2022 and will expire in 18 months from the date of credit. Please visit for the terms and conditions of Asia Miles and for details of Mileage Credits.