此電郵會用作參賽者帳戶登入 This email will be used for Participant Dashboard login
此聯絡電話會用作參賽者帳戶登入 This mobile number will be used for Participant Dashboard login
18歲以下參加者,必須作出以下聲明 Any participant below aged 18 must declare:
Please click here to read Rules and Regulations
以上資料只會用作寄發「心光」通訊及活動等資料,以及開立收據、邀請、宣傳推廣及收集意見等有關用途。你的個人資料絕對保密。如適用,請在空格加上「✔」號。 Any personal data collected will be used by the Organizer for the purposes of sending organization updates, receipt issuance, event invitations, fundraising, service promotion, collection of opinions, etc. All data will be kept strictly confidential.
例子:如你完成了3.51公里,請輸入3.51. Example: if you finish 3.51KM, please input 3.51.
例子:如你跑了1小時30分鐘32秒,請輸入90. Example: if you finish in 1 hour and 30 minutes and 32 seconds, please input 90 .
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