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Join the OneSky Hiking Community

Get out your walking shoes and join the #OneSkyHikingHeroes community! Help build a brighter future for thousands of vulnerable children while having fun and enjoying nature! Your hikes can be completed at your own pace and on trails of your choice, either individually or in teams. 

#OneSkyHikingHeroeswho have fundraised for OneSky are also welcome to join the 10th Annual Charity Hike in Hong Kong on 13 November 2021 for FREE.

Deadline for registration of the #OneSkyHikingHeroes Community: 13 October, 2021

加入OneSky 行山之友

拿起你的行山鞋,隨時成為 #OneSkyHikingHeroes 行山之友的一份子,你便可在享受行山樂趣和大自然的同時,幫助無數弱勢兒童建立更美好的未來!無論是個人還是組團成行,你都可按照自己最舒適的步伐去完成你自由選擇的行山路線。

成功為 OneSky 籌款的 #OneSkyHikingHeroes免費參與 2021年10月13日 的壓軸行山活動。

#OneSkyHikingHeroes 行山之友截止報名日期2021年10月13日