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夜幕低垂,百鬼出行,跑鬼四出救盲儲功德!「2020奧比斯百鬼盲俠行」首度以Virtual Walk 形式舉行,時間地點不設限制,參加者齊齊化身神出鬼沒的「跑鬼」,繼續以腳步為奧比斯眼科飛機醫院打氣!參加者只要戴上智能裝置或安裝跑步APP,即可以跑步或步行方式挑戰路線,將里數轉化為善款,甚至挑戰 AsiaMiles 里數大獎!

5挑戰路線長短不同,分別根據 5 個奧比斯眼科飛機醫院服務國家— 越南、蒙古、印度、埃塞俄比亞及秘魯與香港的飛行距離為藍本而設計當中越南線、蒙古線及埃塞俄比亞線分別由崇光百貨、捷成集團、Johnson & Johnson三間公司贊助,參加者每跑1公里,公司就會捐出$10,支持奧比斯的救盲工作。

When the night falls, a hundred ghosts set off and run for saving sight! “Orbis Virtual Moonwalkers 2020” is the first Moonwalker held in the form of Virtual Walk. With no restrictions on time and venue, all participants will join as “Phantom Moonwalkers” to run through the city to give support to the Flying Eye Hospital!

Taking reference from the flight distances from the five countries the Flying Eye Hospital currently serves - Vietnam, Mongolia, India, Ethiopia and Peru – and Hong Kong, five different routes with varied lengths are set accordingly. Vietnam route, Mongolia route and Ethiopia route are sponsored by SOGO, Jebsen Group, and Johnson & Johnson respectively. They will donate HK$10 to Orbis for every km the participants ran.

Participants will only have to wear your smart devices, download the running APP, and choose your own races to quench your thirst for adventure by running or walking. Not only can you turn the miles into donations, you can also compete for the AsiaMiles Award. Abracadabra! Master Orbis is calling on all kinds of ghosts to join this one-of-a-kind Virtual Moonwalkers!