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付款及善捐款 Payment and donation

1. 甚麼是最低籌款額?

  • 最低籌款額為參加者設定的籌款目標。每個參與組別均設有最低籌款額。活動所得善款扣除活動開支後將全數用作支持奧比斯全球救盲工作的營運費用,為全球更多有需要的眼疾病人提供醫療設備,帶來「看得見」的機會。

What is the Minimum Donation Amount?

  • Minimum donation amount is a fund-raising target for each participant. There are different minimum donation amounts for different Categories and Virtual Routes. After deducting costs, all proceeds will go to Orbis’s global sight-restoring initiatives to help combating avoidable blindness and treat suerers to a fully-sighted future!

2. 主辦單位接受哪些付款方式?

  • 主辦單位只接受以Visa及MasterCard信用卡網上繳付報名費及捐款。工商隊如須協助,請電郵至 [email protected]或來電25087024與張小姐聯絡。

What payment methods will be available?

  • The Organizer accepts online payment by Visa and MasterCard only. For Corporate Team, please email [email protected] or contact Emily Cheung at 25087024 for further assistance.

3. 如付款未能成功,我該怎樣做?

What should I do if I fail to make a payment?

4. 我可以在活動期間或活動完結後進行額外捐款嗎?

  • 可以。你可以在2020年11月16日至12月30日活動期間到「立即捐款」(按此進入)或「建立籌款頁」專頁進行捐款。活動完結後,你亦可以到奧比斯香港網頁(按此進入)捐款支持。

Can I make an additional donation during /outside the event period?

  • Yes, you can make an additional donation by visiting the “DONATE NOW” (please click here) or 'START My Fundraiser' during the event period (from 16 November to 30 December 2020). You may also make an online donation via Orbis Hong Kong website (please click here) to support our work outside the event period.

5. 我可以取得捐款收據嗎? 收據何時發出? 是否直接發給捐款者?

  • 電子捐款收據將於2021年2月至3月期間由奧比斯分批發送電郵予參加者及捐款者,你可能會分開數次收到電子捐款收據。

Can I ask for a tax-deductible donation receipt ? If yes, what is the process of doing so?

  • Donation receipts will be issued and emailed to event participants and sponsors in batches between February to March 2020.

6. 如我報名後未能參與活動,報名費用可以退還嗎?

  • 一經報名後所有費用及捐款將不獲退還。

Can I get a refund if I cannot participate in the event?

  • The Organizer regrets that no refund is allowed after successful registration.