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  1. 活動不設年齡限制,惟大會建議18歲以下的參加者報名前須獲家長或監護人事先同意。
  2. 參加者請自行負責個人意外保險。凡報名參加,即聲明個人技術水平及健康狀況適合參加,並同意主辦機構、協辦機構及贊助商毋須為活動所發生的意外、受傷、死亡及任何損失作出賠償及負上任何法律責任。
  3. 參加者所有捐款一經轉賬,不能取消或退款。
  4. 參加者上載之相片內容不能涉及含有淫穢、不雅、暴力或不符主題的資料。
  5. 如因任何不可預計因素影響,主辦機構保留將活動取消的權利,參加者所有捐款將繼續保留用作支援保良局各項服務發展經費。
  6. 大會保留將參加者上載之相片作其他宣傳用途的權利,如不欲主辦機構使用其肖像,請與保良局籌募部聯絡 (電話:2277 8118)。
  7. 所有組別的參加名額不能轉讓。
  8. 主辦機構有權要求得獎者提供身分證明文件以作獲獎核對身分用途。
  9. 主辦機構保留更改所有活動獎項的最終決定權。參加者不得對獎品有任何異議,除非主辦機構同意,所有獎品不可轉讓及退換。
  10. 主辦機構保留更改細則、路線等安排的權利。如有變動,將透過網頁、媒體或其他途徑公佈。
  11. 若參加者沒有遵照活動細則,主辦機構有權取消參加者資格。主辦機構的判決為最終及不可推翻的決定。
  12. 如有任何爭議,主辦機構保留最終決定權。
  13. 如上列的條款及細則與主辦機構在任何時間所發出的其他文件有出入,一切均以本條款及細則英文本為準。


電話:2277 8118(保良局籌募部)

電郵:[email protected]

In these Terms & Conditions, the "Walk" means the Po Leung Kuk Charity Walk to be held from 24 January to 14 March 2021; “Participant(s)” means person(s) participating in the Walk; “Organiser” means Po Leung Kuk; “Routes” means the routes of the Walk as suggested by the Organiser.

  1. The Walk has no age-limit. Any Participant under the age of 18 are advised to obtain the prior consent of his parents or guardian to participate in the Walk.
  2. The Participants may purchase accident/casualty Insurance and property insurance on their own as necessary. The Participant should ensure his health conditions are suitable for the Walk before enrollment. By submitting the entry application, the Participant(s) has certified he is physically fit for the Walk, and agreed that the Organiser, Co-organiser and Sponsors would not be responsible for any legally liability of injury, death and property and economic loss. When feeling unwell, the Participants should not take part the Walk and should consult a doctor promptly.
  3. No refund of the application fee and any donation will be arranged in such cases or in any circumstances.
  4. All photo entries must not contain any content that is obscene, indecent, provocative, or slandering or promotes individual, commercial, religious or political interests, lest the entries may be disqualified.
  5. If the event is cancelled in the event of force majeure or other unforeseeable circumstances, the Organizer reserves the right to cancel the Walk, all fund-raised will continue to support the Kuk’s multi-facet services and no refunds will be made.
  6. The Participant should grant the Organiser the right to have their names, voices and appearances made into photographs, sound, video or multi-media recordings in relation to the event and to use for promotion. If the Participant does not wish to grant the right to the Organiser, please contact the Fund-raising Department of Po Leung Kuk at 2277 8118.
  7. Enrolment across all categories are non-transferable.
  8. The Organiser has the right to request the winners to provide identification proof for verification. Prizes will only be awarded upon verification of identity.
  9. The Organiser reserves the final right to change any prizes of the Walk. Prizes are non-negotiable, non-transferable, non-refundable and not exchangeable for cash credit or kind, either in part or in full except at the sole and absolute discretion of the Organiser.
  10. The Kuk reserves the right to alter these Terms & Conditions and other details of the Walk at any time, and may notify participants of such alteration through press announcements, website and/or any other suitable channels.
  11. Any Participant who, in the Organiser’s view, does not fully observe or comply with these Terms & Conditions may be refused participation in the Walk at any time and the Kuk’s decision shall be final and conclusive.
  12. In case of any dispute, the Organiser reserves the right to make the final decision.
  13. In case of discrepancies between the Chinese and English versions, the English version shall prevail.


Tel: 2277 8118(Po Leung Kuk Fund-raising Department)

Email: [email protected]