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個人組別 Individual

家庭組別 Family

如欲新增隊伍,請按"Create Team";如欲加入隊伍,請按"Join Team"

(2人或以上,如人數多於15人,請聯絡保良局籌募部,電話:2277 8118)

Please click "Create Team" for creating new group; "Join Team" for joining existing group.

(with at least 2 persons; For group with 15 people above, please contact Po Leung Kuk Fund-raising Department at 2277 8118)

企業機構組 Corporate

如欲新增隊伍,請按"Create Team";如欲加入隊伍,請按"Join Team"

(2人或以上,如人數多於15人,請聯絡保良局籌募部,電話:2277 8118)

Please click "Create Team" for creating new group; "Join Team" for joining existing group.

(with at least 2 persons; For group with 15 people above, please contact Po Leung Kuk Fund-raising Department at 2277 8118)

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