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本港罹患癌症的新增個案每年遞增。最新報告顯示,一年有超過35,000人新增患上癌症,當中14,800人被癌症奪去寶貴的生命,佔全港整體死亡人數約三分之一(1)而預計十年後,每年新增患癌的人數更將會增至逾 42,000(2),亦即每日均會有超過110人患上癌症,數以萬計的家庭深受影響。










 * 資料來源:

1. 香港癌症資料統計中心:

2. 香港癌症策略:

The number of new cases of cancer in Hong Kong is increasing every year. The latest report shows that more than 35,000 people suffer from cancer a year, of which 14,800 are killed by cancer, about one-third of the total deaths in Hong Kong(1). It is estimated that after ten years, more than 42,000 people will get cancer each year(2)meaning that more than 110 people are diagnosed with cancer daily, affecting tens of thousands of families.

Maggie’s Centre is therefore here for anyone affected by cancer and their families and carers, providing free and holistic cancer care services including practical information, emotional and psychosocial support they need that complements medical service, to empower them to live with, live through and live beyond cancer.

As an independent charity, we rely solely on public donations to keep our doors open. It helps Maggie’s Centre remain a haven of support to anyone who needs comfort, advice or simply a friendly face in their greatest hour of need.

Every donation of ……


Provide 6 one-off drop-in sessions to help people who have just been diagnosed with cancer get advice and all-rounded support from our Cancer Support Specialist or Registered Social Worker.


Provide professional support from our Clinical Psychologist to manage emotional distress and psychological challenges brought by cancer for 2 patients or families.


Provide 3 one-off nutrition consultation sessions to help cancer patients and their families to get practical dietary and nutrition advice from our Registered Dietitian.

* Sources

1. Hong Kong Cancer Registry:

2. Hong Kong Cancer Strategy: