Terms & Conditions
- 捐助東華三院滿HK$100的善款可申請免稅,惠購義賣品及拍賣品除外。
- 福袋數量有限,售完即止。
- 福袋與玩具皆隨機發貨。不可退換及退款。
- 成功付款後,將以速遞方式於15個工作天內派送(星期六及公眾假期順延)。送貨服務只限香港本地 (離島及偏遠地區除外)。
- 東華三院保留隨時更改,延長或終止此活動及修改這些條款及細則的權利,恕不另行通知。如有任何爭議,東華三院保留最終決定權。
如有查詢,請致電2859 7511或2859 7460東華三院籌募科。
Please review the terms and conditions below before placing an order. By submitting your order, you certify that you have read, understood and accepted all the terms and conditions below.
- Donation of HK$100 or above to TWGHs is tax deductible except for the purchase of charity sale item and auction item.
- Fortune Bag is only available while stocks last.
- Fortune bag and toys are randomly selected. Non-exchangeable and non-refundable.
- After successful payment, purchased item(s) will be delivered to your registered address by courier within 15 working days (Saturdays and the public holidays will be postponed to the next working day). Hong Kong delivery service only (except outlying islands and remote areas).
- TWGHs reserves the right to alter, extend or terminate the event and amend these terms and conditions at any time without prior notice. In case of any dispute, TWGHs' decision shall be final and conclusive.
For enquiries, please contact the Fund-raising Division of TWGHs at 2859 7511 or 2859 7460.
Personal Information Collection Statement
東華三院(「本院」)會按照《個人資料(私隱)條例》的規定處理及儲存您的個人資料,絕不會向第三方出售及/或提供您的個人資料。如有查詢,請於辦公時間致電1878 333。
The Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (“TWGHs”) shall comply with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in handling and keeping your personal data. TWGHs will not sell and/or provide your personal data to any third party. For enquiries, please contact 1878 333 during office hours.