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不論參與任何組別,每位參加者都有機會獨得高達8「亞洲萬里通」里數!在2021121日至1231日活動期間以跑步 / 步行 / 遠足的形式累積最長距離的首三名參加者將獲得「亞洲萬里通」大獎,第一名參加者更可獲得80,000「亞洲萬里通」里數,相當於從香港到歐洲的特選經濟客艙來回機票!


2021121日至1231日活動期間最快完成3個挑戰等級上傳里數記錄的個人參加者 / 隊伍,可根據其參與組別贏取以下的「亞洲萬里通」里數獎勵:


個人參加者 / 隊伍在2021121日至20211231日活動期間累積最長運動距離,即可根據其參與組別贏取以下相應的「亞洲萬里通」里數獎勵或港幣100元崇光購物禮券1張:

^所有獎項均以每一參加者帳戶為單位。如參加者擁有多於一個參加者帳戶 (即代表參加者參加多於一項挑戰路線) ,不同帳戶的運動里數紀錄及/或籌款紀錄不會被累積計算。


Extra Asia Miles will be gifted this year! Every participant will be awarded with limited-edition event merchandises and stands the chance to win up to 80,000 Asia Miles! Come join us now!

Grand Prize Asia Miles Award

Regardless of the Category and Virtual Distance enrolled, top 3 participants who achieved the longest distance within the event period 1 – 31 December 2021 will be awarded with 80,000 Asia Miles^.

Fastest Completion Award

For participants who first completed each of the 3 designated challenge levels and upload mileage records within the event period 1 December – 31 December 2021, you will be rewarded with corresponding Asia Miles depending the category you have participated in:

Longest Distance Award

For those who accumulated the longest distance within the event period 1 December – 31 December 2021, you will be rewarded with corresponding Asia Miles or SOGO Gift Certificate HKD100 depending the category you have participated in:

^All awards are based on each Participant’s Login Account. If the participant has more than one Login Accounts (i.e. the participant joins more than one races), the running mileage accrued and donation raised on different accounts will NOT be accumulated for the purpose of entering into the awards.