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記錄及上傳運動里數 Recording Results

1. 我可以如何紀錄我的運動里數




How can I track my running mileage and time?

You are required to use the below designated GPS-enabled mobile devices/apps to record the mileage gained. Each mileage record uploaded must clearly show the date, distance, duration and route, and must be of 1KM minimum. If the uploaded mileage record cannot show the exercise date, participant must record the correct Date in Participant Dashboard. The Organizer regrets that records from running machines/ treadmills will not be accepted.

Designated Apps for recording mileage*:

(please refer to the screen cap above)

*If participants would like to take part in Bonus Mission 3 - Foot Strength Test, their records uploaded must be able to show the maximum elevation or the total elevation climbed.

2. 我應該怎樣及何時上載我的運動里數記錄呢?

你必須在202112100:00123123:59之間以跑步 / 步行 / 遠足形式完成所選擇的挑戰距離,每次運動里數需最少達1公里,並於202212 23:59登入「參賽者帳戶」,輸入完成距離和時間及上傳運動里數記錄,上傳次數上限為40。主辦單位將不會接受和驗證在上述時間以外上傳的記錄。重複上傳的運動里數記錄將會視為無效。主辦單位僅接受並驗證一個記錄。


When and how do I upload my mileage record?

You must run/walk/hike to complete the selected Challenge Distance during 00:00 on 1 December to 23:59 on 31 December 2021. You must record a distance of 1 KM minimum per each time of upload. Input the distance and duration achieved and upload the corresponding mileage record in your Participant Dashboard on or before 23:59 on 2 January 2022Each participant could upload up to a maximum of 40 timesMileage records generated and uploaded outside the said period will NOT be accepted and verified by the Organizer. Duplicated records will be voided. Only one record will be accepted and verified by the Organizer.

Click to view the Guide to Upload here.

3. 團隊及工商隊的運動里數如何記錄?


How will the mileage of Teams & Corporates be calculated?

Mileage of Teams and Corporates will be calculated on a cumulative basis, i.e. mileage record upload by each member will contribute to the total mileage achieved by the team. After successful registration, each member is able to login to their personal Participant Dashboard to upload mileage records and enter the distance and duration achieved. The total mileage and time achieved by each Team/ Corporate will be shown on the Event Leaderboard.

4. 我如何上傳支線任務的記錄?

·登入「參賽者帳戶」後,請點擊“Upload”按鈕。在成績上載頁面,選擇你已完成的支線任務,然後按照問題 2 中詳述的程序上載運動里數記錄。如參加者選擇了錯誤的支線任務來上載運動里數 (例如運動里數應為支線任務1,但參加者錯誤地上載到支線任務2),上傳的成績將不會被大會驗證,參加者將不會有權獲得該支線任務的徽章。

 How can I upload records for the Bonus Missions?

·After logging in the Participant Dashboard, go, click on the ‘Upload’ button. On the Result Upload page, go to Select Mission and choose the Bonus Mission you have completed, then follow the procedure in uploading results as detailed in Question 2. Results uploaded for the wrong Mission will not be verified by the Organizer, and participant will not be entitled for a Bonus Mission Pin.

5. 我可以更改已上傳的記錄嗎?


Can I edit the records uploaded?

Yes. After logging in your Participant Dashboard, you can edit your uploaded records by clicking the ‘pencil’ icon. You can also delete uploaded records by clicking the ‘rubbish bin’ icon. Screen cap as shown below.

6.  主要任務和支線任務的成績會計算在總成績嗎?


Will my results uploaded for Main Misson and Bonus Mission be counted to the Total Distance and Time achieved?

·Results uploaded for Main Mission and Bonus Mission will both contribute to the Total Distance and Time achieved, and will be reflected on the Leaderboard. Participant could only upload result for one Main Mission or one Bonus Mission each time, and the same result could not be uploaded repeated for Main Mission and Bonus Mission.

7. 我上傳的運動里數記錄會被驗證嗎?

主辦單位將會檢查及驗證所有參加者上傳的運動里數紀錄。如發現任何虛假運動里數紀錄,主辦單位保留刪除該虛假紀錄及取消參加者 / 參加隊伍贏取「亞洲萬里通」里數及其他獎品的權利。所有得獎者 (包括得獎團隊 / 工商隊隊伍中的所有隊員)需在2022225日或之前攜同存有運動里數紀錄的手提電話或智能裝備,親臨奧比斯香港辦公室核實獲獎資格。

Will my mileage records be verified?

The Organizer will check and verify all records uploaded by participants. The Organizer reserves the right to delete any ingenuine record and disqualify the participants from attaining any mileage award. All winners are also required to present in person the mileage record on mobile devices for Organizer’s checking before confirming the eligibility for the Asia Miles award on or before 25 February 2022.